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Candidates for the ASC 2012 Executive Committee Election

In accordance with the Assembly of State Conferences Constitution and Bylaws, the Nominating Committee for the 2012 ASC Executive Committee Elections offers the following report.

Position: Secretary

1. Angela Brommel (Nevada), Bookstore, Nevada State College
2. John Hinshaw (Pennsylvania), History, Lebanon Valley College

Position: Treasurer

1. Charles (Tad) Smith (Michigan), Pharmacology, University of Michigan
2. Frank Thompson (Iowa), Finance, University of Northern Iowa

Position: At-Large Member (one position)

1. Blasé Billack (New York), Pharmaceutical Sciences, St. John’s University
2. Lynn Tatum (Texas), Interdisciplinary Core – Honors College, Baylor University

All candidates have responded by email and accepted their nominations. The election of officers for the above positions will take place on June 15th during the Assembly of State Conferences Business Meeting, part of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Annual Conference in Washington, DC. Except for the office of Chair, a nomination can also be taken from the floor at the ASC Business Meeting, if AAUP members from three states support the nomination.

The committee thanks all nominees and everyone who participated in the nominating process.

Nominating Committee:

Jeff Butts (North Carolina) Chair
Michael Livingston (California)
Todd Penner (Texas)