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A message from Cary Nelson and Howard Bunsis

Thousands of your Ohio colleagues are at risk of losing one of their most basic rights—the right to choose collective bargaining if they wish. No matter how you feel about the virtues of negotiating salary, benefits, and academic freedom or shared governance guarantees collectively, it should be up to faculty members themselves to decide. Ohio’s Senate Bill 5, signed into law by the governor, cancels that right not only for faculty members but for all public employees. The AAUP is part of “We Are Ohio,” a large coalition of groups seeking to overturn that law at the ballot box this November. 1.3 million signatures collected guaranteed the issue will be on the ballot. But a powerful alliance of conservative forces has assembled a vast war chest to fight our effort. “We Are Ohio” needs to buy radio, television, and print ads to get its message across. If we buy ads immediately, they will cost half as much as if we wait until fall. The AAUP’s chapters and its national leaders have contributed half a million dollars to the cause. Our members and our staff are on the ground waging this battle. We urge you to contribute now to help repeal this legislation.

Cary Nelson, AAUP President
Howard Bunsis, Chair, AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress

You can send checks made out to “We Are Ohio” to:
Sara Kilpatrick
137 East State Street
Columbus, OH 43215